We understand that cookies sometime crumble, not to worry!
Cookies that are considered damaged typically have the following issues:
1. Melted or missing icing:
**smudging and icing transfer due to transit are not considered damages. Please contact your sales rep or questions@boscoandroxys.com if you are unsure if your cookies qualify for damage credit**
2. Crumbled or broken biscuit
3. Cracked icing or cracked biscuit
4. Poor/messy decoration/illegible
5. 'Sugar-blooming' which happens as temperatures fluctuate in transit, the cookie is still 100% safe to consume and sell. You can wipe this bloom off the surface with a damp paper towel and reduce the 'dusty' look. You can also apply heat to the surface of the cookie (to the equivalent of a hair dryer) and lightly blow air for no more than 10 seconds in one area to avoid melting!